CleanRevise now offers more options for you to choose! Learn more about Simple Proofreading; how it differs from Editing & Proofreading; and what I hope to do through CleanRevise.
Now Available: “Simple Proofreading”
Your writing is strong in terms of structure, voice, and flow. All you need is another set of eyes to check for minor errors or changes. Simple Proofreading is for you! Herewith, I provide another infographic detailing what I do when you opt for Simple Proofreading with CleanRevise. You can read the transcription below, or jump ahead to ask, “What’s the difference?”

Simple Proofreading, CleanRevise: What do I do for you?
Review Grammar: Correct conventions
Correct grammatical errors, edit punctuation.
Quality Words: Amplify your vocabulary
Help you reduce repetition, use precise terms to communicate concisely.
Triple Check: The read-aloud test
Verify the whole text thrice, and ensure it literally sounds good.
What’s the Difference?
For additional help, take a detailed look at Editing & Proofreading. Now, are you wondering, “what’s the difference between ‘Editing & Proofreading’ and ‘Simple Proofreading’?” In short: at CleanRevise, “Editing & Proofreading” refers to a term called “copyediting”, and “Simple Proofreading” is, simply, proofreading.
In other words, “Simple Proofreading” involves correcting grammar and punctuation, and I also offer suggestions to enhance your vocabulary; “Editing & Proofreading” includes all of the above in addition to possible improvements in structure, flow and phrasing.
Why these names?
As you may know, I initially only offered “Editing & Proofreading” as one category of service. Wanting to make CleanRevise accessible to those of different backgrounds, I decided to use this catch-all phrase and forego the term “copyediting”, which is not as commonly used in conversation and is most familiar to writers and editors.
Why the price discrepancy?
When I started CleanRevise, my goal was always to serve anyone who could use a proofreader, but I also wanted to especially help two groups: students and international workers (such as newcomers to Canada). It occurred to me that the price points of my “Editing & Proofreading” services may not always be feasible for those groups. Therefore, in order to assist more, diverse clients, I chose this particular approach in the advertising and marketing of CleanRevise.
Let’s do it!
Ready to get started? Browse the shop or contact me to ask any other questions!